When you have a slip and fall or other injury on a property that isn't your own, you may have a personal injury case in front of you. This is a case you can file with the aid of a personal injury lawyer, and this helps you report the accident and create a case where you may legally be entitled to compensation for your injury.
Do you need a personal injury lawyer? You might, so it's wise to go to an accident attorney for a consultation to review your situation and see if you have a case or need to create one. Here are signs you may need a personal injury lawyer for your situation.
A simple slip and fall accident may seem like no big deal at first, but your medical costs can climb up rapidly. If you have to stay in the hospital for any extended amount of time, you have high medical costs, or if you have to do physical rehab in order to recover, your costs are going to continue to increase.
Even with health insurance, your out-of-pocket expenses are going to climb, and if you were injured on another person's or business's property due to their negligence, you may not have to pay for the costs to recover on your own. You can hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you and go after the other party to recover medical costs and give you peace of mind.
Have you missed so much work due to your accident that your job is actually at risk? If this is the case, you might need to speak to a lawyer to see what can be done about this. You can either fight to have your lost wages recovered as part of your case, or you can have your lawyer work with you to keep your job if you fear losing it.
When you have a personal injury case, you may have to wait a long time until the case goes to trial and you can fight for the funds you are owed. When you have a personal injury lawyer to represent you, you can have your case settled before trial, since almost 100% of cases are taken care of before they hit trial status. Your lawyer will work with you to create a settlement amount between you and the other party to hopefully come to a complete resolution that is fair for all involved.
If you don't know if you need a personal injury lawyer or not, odds are, you might. The only way to know for sure is to have a consultation and speak to a professional about your case. With the right representation, your personal injury can be turned into something positive. Don't wait to get legal representation; secure a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can.