No one wants to be in a car crash, but the fact of the matter is they do happen and when they do, it's usually without warning. Many of them can also be deadly. Of the nearly six million accidents that happen every year in the U.S., 40,000 are fatal, and three million caused injuries.
Sadly, some car accidents can be life-altering, leaving drivers with permanent injuries or disabilities. But if you've been in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation from an insurance company.
But dealing with insurance companies after a car crash can sometimes be tricky, and there are several dos and don'ts you'll want to follow.
One of the first things you'll want to do is contact your insurance company as soon as you can. When you do talk to them, you'll want to write down important details from that conversation, especially if you get any settlement offers.
It's also very important that you're honest with your insurance company after a car crash. The last thing you want to do is lie because if anything you tell the company turns out later to be fraudulent, you may lose your rights to any compensation.
One of the things you absolutely don't want to do is admit to contributing to or causing the accident. Even if you think you may be partially at fault, admitting fault is another way to jeopardize your chances of getting any compensation.
If you do get any offers to settle, don't agree to anything right away. Sometimes, insurance companies end up lowballing victims, which gives them compensation. Unfortunately, this compensation usually isn't nearly enough to cover accident-related expenses.
If you're given any documents and told to sign them, don't. By signing them, you could be hurting your chances of getting the compensation you need.
Having so many dos and don'ts with insurance claims can be tricky to follow. To spare any confusion and to get fair compensation, another item to add to the 'Do' list is hiring a personal injury lawyer. They've got the know-how and expertise to review your case, talk with all necessary parties, and present a strong legal case to get you the compensation you deserve.
Tags: car crash